Woman holding stomach with pain from UTI or thrush

UTI Pain at Night is Pretty Common…


What is a UTI?

A UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is a microbial infection occurring anywhere in the urinary system – which consists of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. Though an infection in the bladder is common, UTI cases in the upper tract – ureters and kidneys are also possible, and usually highly severe. A UTI is called cystitis if it’s in the bladder, urethritis if it’s in the urethra, and pyelonephritis if it’s in the kidney.







What are the Common Symptoms of UTI?

But how would you know you have UTI? Below we have listed some common UTI symptoms [1]:

  • Discoloured urine
  • Stinging sensation while urinating
  • Painful urination
  • Pain in the pelvic area, in your lower back, or below your ribs
  • Constant urination urge

There is a common misconception that UTIs are only female-related problems. Though women do have a higher probability of getting this infection – nearly 30 times more than men [2] , males and children below the age of 5 years are also susceptible. [3] If you’re not sure whether you have thrush or a UTI, please read here to learn the difference.

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What Causes a UTI?

A UTI is a microbial infection, which means it is caused by microbes, including, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Though bacterial pathogens, such as Escherichia coli or E. coli. are the main cause – over 85% [4], the other microbes [5] have also contributed to UTI cases. [6]

E. coli. is a bacteria found in the intestine of a person and is naturally present in faecal matter. Though most of the bacteria are harmless, some may be pathogenic.

The urinary system flushes out any E. coli., however, at times it can enter the urethra via trace amounts of faecal matter. Once they reach the lower tract (bladder and urethra), the bacteria begin to multiply. [7]

middle of the night uti relief

What are the UTI Risk Factors?

There are several risk factors associated with an increased probability of getting a UTI, such as: [9]

  • Diabetes
  • Sexual activity
  • Vaginal infection
  • Obesity
  • Female gender
  • A previous UTI
  • Compromises in the urinary tract

Is a UTI Worse At Night?

The pain of UTIs can feel far more severe at night. This can be put down to something as simple as there being fewer distractions throughout the day, however, this can also be explained by urine output being lower. The urine collecting in your bladder overnight can irritate the infected walls of your bladder.

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Why Are UTIs worse at night?

If you have had UTI, one key symptom is that the pain becomes tenfold during the night. Ever wondered why? This is because at night a human being’s urination is the least during 24 hours. Consequently, this combined with UTI leads to increased pelvic pain, higher stinging sensation, sudden urges to urinate at closer intervals, and sleeplessness. Common antibiotic medications, like the Trimethoprim UTI treatment, can help kill the bacterial pathogens and prevent these symptoms. There are also other “home remedy” treatments that might be able to help.

How Can I Relieve UTI Pain at Night?

Above we had discussed some common symptoms and how the pain level escalated in the night. Below we’ll tell you some practical advice on how to relieve UTI pain at night. Read here about home remedies for UTIs.

  1. Monitor Your Fluid Intake: Staying hydrated is the golden rule to removing urinary infection bacteria from your body. So to minimize UTI pain at night, pay attention to your liquid intake during the day. Don’t consume any alcoholic, citric, or caffeinated drinks [1]. When bedtime approaches, reduce your fluid intake.2. Relax Your Sleep Position: Certain sleeping positions directly or indirectly put pressure on your pelvic area and would worsen the UTI pain. Choose the sleeping position you feel relaxes the muscles around your lower body.
  2. Try Double Voiding: This technique includes scheduled timeframes of sitting on the toilet and trying to urinate so that you empty your bladder completely. A study revealed that double voiding may lessen the risk of urinary infection. [8]
  3. Opt for an Incontinence Pad: Since UTIs may result in frequent urine urges, incontinence may occur – which means you may unknowingly pass urine. So use this pad so that no accidents occur while you are asleep.
  4. Utilise a Hot Water Bottle: Apart from being used for easing menstrual cramps, a hot water bottle or heating pad can help in reducing pain and pressure in the lower abdomen and provide some relief. Ensure that the temperature is not very high. You can even wrap a thin blanket to avoid getting scalded on your skin.
middle of the night uti relief

Best UTI Sleeping Position? 

The most comfortable sleeping position for anybody struggling with a UTI would be any that put the least pressure on your pelvic muscles, such as the foetal position, or if you prefer sleeping on your back, spreading your legs apart. 

Is There Any Medication That Will Help With UTI Pain at Night?

If you have any of the symptoms listed above, discuss them with your doctor. UTI treatment Trimethoprim is a common antibiotic medication that efficiently destroys the microbes causing the infection. With a standard dosage of 2 tablets for 3 consecutive days, this antibiotic course can help prevent any further UTI-related pain or discomfort. Nitrofurantoin can also be prescribed to treat UTIs; please read here to find which is better at treating a UTI. You can order the medication online easily via e-Surgery.

If you are looking to relieve pain related to UTI, you can paracetamol as well as prescription pain relief such as Naproxen online. Make sure to read up on possible interactions when taking paracetamol and naproxen together.


1. How to Relieve UTI Pain At Night (Healthline)

2. Epidemiology of urinary tract infections: incidence, morbidity, and economic crisis (PubMed)

3. The Clinical Manifestations and Antibiogram Results In Children With UTI (SID)

4. Chicken as Reservoir for Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Humans, Canada (CDC)

5. Urinary Tract Infections and Candida albicans (PMC)

6. Viral Lower Urinary Tract Infections (PubMed)

7. Preventing Urinary Tract Infection: Progress Toward an Effective Escherichia coli Vaccine (PMC)

8. Double Urinary Bladder Voiding Technique Post Removal of Urethral Catheter in Renal Allogaft Recipients (PubMed)

9. Urinary Tract Infections: Epidemiology, Mechanisms of Infection and Treatment Options (NCBI)

Further Reading

What makes UTI pain worse? | Advanced Gynecology

Best Way to relieve UTI pain at night | Healthline

How to relieve UTI pain at night | Medical News Today