ᐅ Buy Doxycycline Chlamydia Tablets Just £14.95 | E-Surgery
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Doxycycline Tablets (7 Day Chlamydia Treatment)

Prescription Only Medication (POM)

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About the product

Doxycycline is an antibiotic treatment that is used to treat chlamydia. It is a British Association for Sexual Health (BASHH) recommended course of treatment for chlamydia infection. Doxycycline treatment is given as a 7 day course. To ensure responsible antibiotic use, our prescribers will issue the most appropriate treatment based on your online consultation. If your partner requires treatment they will need to complete their own consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Doxycycline chlamydia treatment?

Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic that is used to treat the most common STI, Chlamydia, which is a bacterial infection. You can catch chlamydia when having unprotected sex (sex without a condom) with a partner who has it. Chlamydia is often symptomless; however, it can cause health complications in both men and women. Chlamydia is easy to test for and is treated with antibiotics.

You can buy these tablets online from e-Surgery to treat Chlamydia as we are a trusted online prescriber! We will require you to fill out a quick 2-minute health questionnaire to ensure you are receiving the right medication.

More than 95% of people will be cured if they take their antibiotics correctly.

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted disease in the UK, with over 200,000 patients testing positive every year.

Chlamydia can be asymptomatic in up to 50% of men and 70% of women hence it’s also known as the ‘silent STI’. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, the bacteria is known as chlamydia trachomatis and is spread through unprotected sexual contact.

If you have had unprotected sexual contact you could be at risk from Chlamydia, you can find your local sexual health clinic on the NHS website.

If you have symptoms, it’s important to get tested for Chlamydia as well as other potential STIs, it is recommended you get tested each time you change partners.

Another common treatment for Chlamydia is azithromycin which you can buy online at e-Surgery.

What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men?

Symptoms of Chlamydia in men can range from:

No symptoms (up to 50% of all men who are infected with Chlamydia do not display any symptoms)
The most commonly displayed symptoms of Chlamydia are:

  • Discharge from the penis (white, cloudy or watery)
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Swelling or painful testicles
  • Painful joints if left untreated
  • Chlamydia can also present as a throat infection, conjunctivitis (eye infection) or rectal pain, discharge or bleeding.
  • If chlamydia is left untreated, the infection can cause swelling in the epididymis (the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles) and the testicles.
  • This could affect your fertility.

A common treatment for Chlamydia is Doxycycline which you can buy online at e-Surgery.

What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in women?

Symptoms of Chlamydia in women can range from:

No symptoms (up to 70% of all women who are infected with Chlamydia do not display any symptoms)
The most commonly displayed symptoms of Chlamydia in women are:

  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Pain or bleeding during and after having sex
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • If chlamydia is left untreated, it can spread to the womb and cause a serious condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). This is a major cause of ectopic pregnancy and infertility in women.

A common treatment for Chlamydia is Doxycycline which you can buy online at e-Surgery

How do you take Doxycycline chlamydia treatment?

When you buy this medicine online or are prescribed it from your GP surgery, you will need to take one dose, twice a day for 7 days, ensure you are taking your dosage with enough water.

Please ensure you are taking the entire course over the 7 days so that the antibiotics can achieve their full effectiveness.

Ensure you are taking your capsules whole, do not chew or open your capsules.

If you forget to take your capsules you should take the dose as soon as you remember, however, do not take two doses at the same time.

Ensure you do not have sex until you have completed your 7 days of treatment.

After the course of treatment is complete it is possible that you could test positive for chlamydia for up to 8 weeks despite no longer being infectious.

Side effects of Doxycycline chlamydia treatment?

As with all medication, there a list of side effects for Doxycycline chlamydia treatment

Some more common side effects are as follows:

  • Increased sensitivity to sunlight
  • Headache
  • Tummy pain
  • Vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Itchy skin
  • Vaginal Thrush
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite

If you’re experiencing mild or severe side effects after taking your Doxycycline chlamydia treatment, talk about them with your doctor or pharmacist. They might suggest to:

  • stop the treatment
  • switch to another antibiotic
  • treat the side effects with other medications, like painkillers

Always read the patient information leaflet for a full list of side effects before you buy Doxycycline chlamydia treatment online.

Interactions of Doxycycline chlamydia treatment with alcohol and food?

As with other medications, it is not recommended to mix alcohol with Doxycycline chlamydia treatment.

Consuming alcohol with Doxycycline Chlamydia treatment can lead to a higher risk of experiencing side effects as well as potential liver damage. Alcohol can also decrease the effectiveness of Doxycycline Chlamydia Treatment.

There are no known food interactions with Doxycycline.

Please always read the Patient information leaflet.

Any interactions of Doxycycline chlamydia treatment with other drugs?

You should consider whether any drugs you are taking will reduce the effectiveness of your treatment. Common drugs that cause issues with Doxycycline Chlamydia Treatment are as follows:

  • Retinoids
  • Any medications containing iron,
  • bismuth, or zinc salts (such as antacids)
  • Methotrexate
  • Methoxyflurane
  • Ciclosporin
  • Carbamazepine, primidone, phenytoin or any other drug that is used to treat epilepsy
  • Typhoid vaccination
  • Methysergide or Ergotamine
  • Barbiturates or any other strong sleeping tablets.
  • Some oral contraceptives
  • Sucralfate
  • Kaolin
  • Quinapril
  • Anticoagulants
  • Rifampicin
  • Penicillin based antibiotics

If you are unsure at all on whether the medication you are currently taking can have an effect on your treatment, please consult your GP.

Is there any reason why I would not be able to take Doxycycline chlamydia treatment?

You can NOT take these capsules if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

You can find a full list of ingredients in the patient information leaflet before you buy Doxycycline online.

If you are unsure of any of the above criteria, please contact your GP before the use of this treatment.

Why should I buy Doxycycline tablets?

These capsules effectively stop the spread of the Chlamydia infection and further inflammation from occurring in the body as a result of the Chlamydia bacteria. If left untreated, Chlamydia and the related inflammation can lead to infertility in both men and women.

Once you complete the course of Doxycycline chlamydia treatment, you are no longer infectious, but it is recommended that you use a male or female condom to prevent the spread of further STI’s.

You can buy these capsules online from e-Surgery

Can I buy Doxycycline online?

Yes, you can buy this medicine online from e-Surgery to treat chlamydia if you or your partner have had had a positive diagnosis.

If you believe you have chlamydia, you will need to fill out an online consultation form on e-Surgery for our clinical staff to assess before your order is dispatched from our pharmacy.

If you have not previously been screened for chlamydia, and you have symptoms, you can obtain a chlamydia testing kit free of charge if you are between the ages of 15-24, from your local sexual health clinic or online.

Results usually take 1-2 working days to come back after having sent off your sample using the pre-paid envelope provided.

If I buy Doxycycline tablets online how much will they cost?

If you choose to buy these capsules online from e-Surgery prices start at 12.95. This includes the cost of private prescription.

Where can I learn more about Doxycycline tablets online?

When buying these capsules online, you may have questions and want to know more.

You can learn more information from the Patient Information Leaflet.

You can also use our completely free Ask-A-Pharmacist service to get health advice from a trained professional. We’re here to help!

How do I store Doxycycline?

As with most medication, when you store your medicine you should do so as per the instructions on the patient information leaflet. Ensure you are not using it after the expiry date listed.

Please check the expiry date when it arrives to you in the post.

If I buy Doxycycline online how will it be delivered?

Your medicine will be delivered via Royal Mail delivery with choices starting from Royal Mail 48 tracked delivery, Royal Mail tracked 24 and Royal Mail 1 pm special delivery (discover more about e-Surgery delivery). Your capsules will arrive in discreet, recyclable packaging at a delivery address of your choice.

Find out to recycle packaging from e-Surgery.


How Does Doxycyline Treat Chlamydia?

Doxycycline works to treat Chlamydia as an anti-biotic, it works by entering the bacteria cells and blocking the certain proteins bacteria need to survive.

When taken correctly, Doxycycline helps to cure the infection in 95% of cases; As with all antibiotics, it’s important you complete the prescribed dose of Doxycycline.

Doxycycline helps to treat chlamydia, but it does not prevent you from catching the infection again, whilst taking Doxycycline you are advised to avoid vaginal, oral and anal sex, even with barrier contraception.

If you are under 25, you should take a chlamydia test every time you change partners or have even slight symptoms.

How do I know I need chlamydia treatment?

You will know if you need Doxycycline chlamydia treatment if any of the following apply to you:

  • You have had a positive home test for chlamydia
  • Receive a diagnosis from your GP
  • Have had unprotected sex with a partner who has a confirmed infection
  • If you think you might have any of the symptoms of chlamydia

If you believe yourself to have Chlamydia, complete our online health questionnaire and buy Doxycycline online from e-surgery.

Is doxycycline the only option?

A common alternative to Doxycycline is Azithromycin

You can buy Doxycycline or buy Azithromycin online from e-Surgery to treat chlamydia,

Doxycycline is not right for you if any of the following applies:

  • You are allergic to doxycycline, or tetracyclines in general
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Younger than the age of 12
  • Suffer from a sucrose or fructose intolerance
  • Have enamel hypoplasia
  • Have any liver problems
  • Have kidney problems
  • Suffer from Oesophagitis
  • Have an autoimmune disease, such as lupus
  • Have myasthenia gravis

Always make sure you read the patient information leaflet before you buy doxycycline online.

What is Doxycycline used for?

Doxycycline is most commonly used for treating Chlamydia, but can also be used to treat a range of other health problems, such as

  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Other STIs such as (Reponema pallidum, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium)
  • Dermatological infections: among which the most common is acne
  • Ophthalmic infections
  • Other infections such as cholera and clostridium species

Doxycycline can also be used to treat/prevent malaria in different doses.

Buy Doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

How do you get chlamydia?

Chlamydia is caused by a bacteria called chlamydia trachomatis which is spread through infected fluid, it is spread through vaginal, anal or oral sex.

You can avoid the spread of chlamydia, by regular testing and using ‘barrier’ contraception such as a condom, ensuring you are tested regularly so as not to spread to future sexual partners,

A common treatment for chlamydia is Doxycycline, buy Doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

Can you get chlamydia from oral sex?

Yes, you can get Chlamydia from oral sex due to fluids you come into contact with being infected with the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis.

Two common medications for Chlamydia are Doxycycline and Azithromycin, you can buy Doxycycline and Azithromycin online at e-Surgery.

How long can you have chlamydia before it causes damage?

The length of time between contracting Chlamydia and it causing damage depends on how quickly and if the infection spreads. Chlamydia in both men and women can lead to infertility so it is best to treat it as quick as possible so as not to leave long-lasting damage.

A common treatment of chlamydia is doxycycline, buy azithromycin online at e-Surgery.

Does chlamydia go away on its own?

It is very unlikely chlamydia will go away on its own, as your body’s immune system is not likely to be able to fully clear the infection. You would remain infected and infectious to others. It is recommended that you seek treatment for chlamydia as soon as you suspect you have contracted the infection to avoid permanent damage to your reproductive system. A common treatment for Chlamydia is Doxycycline, you can buy Doxycycline online at e-Surgery

Can you get chlamydia by kissing?

No, you cannot contract chlamydia by kissing, chlamydia is passed through infected fluids, these fluids are mainly in the genitals, and chlamydia is not able to be contracted from kissing, sharing towels, hugging, coughing, sneezing, toilet seats or cutlery.

A common treatment for Chlamydia is Doxycycline, you can buy Doxycycline online at e-Surgery.

Do I need to take doxycycline with or after food?

Food does not affect the absorption of doxycycline, you can choose whether you want to take it on an empty stomach. One side effect of doxycycline is nausea, if you experience this, it is recommended to take doxycycline shortly after a meal.

You can buy doxycycline online from e-surgery.

What if I forget to take a dose?

If you miss a dose of your doxycycline chlamydia treatment, you should take it as soon as you remember, unless this coincides with the time you would take your regular dose. You should not take two doses of Doxycycline at the same time.

If it is near the time of your next dose, you should take this instead, you will finish your course one day later.

You can buy Doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

What should I do if I vomit?

If you vomit when taking Doxycycline chlamydia treatment, you should always look to complete the remaining course of antibiotics.

If the vomiting persists, you should contact your doctor as you may require an alternative treatment.

You can buy Doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

How effective is doxycycline in treating chlamydia?

Doxycycline chlamydia treatment is 97% effective, however, this is only when taken as prescribed.

Doxycycline chlamydia treatment is taken as 1 tablet twice a day for 7 days.

It is important to complete your prescribed dose of Doxycycline chlamydia treatment as it is an antibiotic and if you wish to achieve the maximum effectiveness the dose must be completed.

You can buy doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

Who is doxycycline not suitable for?

Doxycycline chlamydia treatment is not suitable for people who:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding,
  • You have taken any antibiotics from the tetracycline family previously and suffered an allergic reaction
  • You are allergic to any other ingredients in Doxycycline
  • You are likely to be exposed to high levels of UV
  • You suffer from liver or kidney problems

There are alternative treatments for doxycycline such as azithromycin

You can purchase doxycycline and azithromycin online at e-Surgery

Is it safe to take whilst pregnant or breastfeeding?

No, it is not safe to take doxycycline chlamydia treatment when you’re pregnant,

Doxycycline can stain the teeth and delay bone development in the foetus,

Doxycycline can also be present in breastmilk, this should be taken into consideration when taking doxycycline chlamydia treatment.

When should I visit my GP?

When taking doxycycline chlamydia treatment you should refer back to your GP if you experience any side effects or allergic reactions, such as:

  • Skin irritation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Fever
  • Swollen glands

Or if you believe yourself to be pregnant or if you have had sexual contact within the 7 days after completing the prescribed course.

You can buy Doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

Should I get retested after taking doxycycline?

Typically Doxycycline has a very high success rate so it is not usually necessary to be retested following completion of your course of antibiotics, exceptions to this would be:

  • If you didn’t take your full course of Doxycycline chlamydia treatment
  • You had sexual contact, during your course, or in the 7-days following your course
  • Your prior symptoms are persisting
  • You regularly change your sexual partners, if this is the case, you should be re-tested every 3 months

When you buy doxycycline online, please ensure you are reading the patient information leaflet, to minimise your need to rescreen for chlamydia.

Why should I inform my sexual partners?

You should inform your partners if you have been diagnosed, prescribed and buy doxycycline online to treat chlamydia,

As chlamydia is the most common STD and can cause long-lasting damage and infertility, you should inform your sexual partners so that they can get screened for chlamydia and obtain the best medication to treat their infection,

You can buy either Doxycycline or Azithromycin online at e-Surgery

What are the benefits of taking Doxycycline?

A benefit of taking Doxycycline chlamydia treatment has a high success rate in treating the chlamydia infection, it has a clinical 97% success rate.

Treating the infection with Doxycycline is quick and simple and prevents the infection from being spread to more people.

You can buy doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

What is the proper dosage for Doxycycline?

Doxycycline chlamydia treatment is typically prescribed in tablet form, and a single tablet is taken twice a day for 7-10 days, when doxycycline is used to treat other conditions, the length of time and dosage may vary.

If you forget to take your Doxycycline tablet then you should take it as soon as you remember. However, if this is close to your time to take your next dose, you should take that instead and finish the course a day late.

You can buy doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

When taking Doxycycline, how long do I have to wait before I can again have sex?

When taking Doxycycline chlamydia treatment you should refrain from sexual contact until 7 days after you have completed your course of antibiotics to ensure you are completely free of the infection and will not pass it on to your sexual partner.

Sex should be avoided to stop the infection from returning.

Always read the patient information leaflet when you buy Doxycycline online.

You can buy Doxycycline online from e-Surgery.

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Doxycycline Tablets (7 Day Chlamydia Treatment)

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