Man having a headache after sex

Headaches after sex can be a sign that something is wrong. Usually, it’s nothing to worry about. But what causes headaches after sex? And more importantly, what can you do to prevent them? Here’s everything you need to know about headache after sex symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment.


 Though it is a rare type of headache, an orgasm headache is nonetheless a real phenomenon experienced by some people. [1] Also known as a “sexual headache,” an orgasm headache is exactly what it sounds like: a headache that occurs during sexual activity, typically at the moment of orgasm.

You may experience either a dull ache during sex or a sudden and severe headache just before an orgasm.

For most people, an orgasm headache is nothing to be concerned about. However, in rare cases, it can be a sign of something more serious, such as an underlying problem with the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.

If you experience any chronic or severe headaches during sex, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any potential underlying causes.


Sex Headache Prevention Infographic Summary


What Does It Feels Like?

Sex headaches have two main types: orgasmic and benign. Orgasmic headaches occur in the moment of sexual release, and are characterized by sudden, severe, throbbing pain in the head. [2]

Benign sex headaches build up gradually as sexual arousal increases, starting as a dull pain that becomes progressively more intense until it reaches headache levels. [3]

Some people may experience both types of headaches at once. Sex headaches usually last several minutes, but can occasionally continue for hours.

If you experience a headache during sex, stop what you’re doing and consult a doctor; while they are usually harmless, they can occasionally be indicative of a more serious condition.

Available Treatments

If you suffer from headaches after sex or orgasm, you maybe wondering what your treatment options are. There are many different options for treating headaches. These include prescription medications and home remedies.

Luckily, e-Surgery offers two different types of medication that can help.

Rizatriptan and Sumatriptan are part of a class of drugs called triptans, which are designed to work quickly to counteract the symptoms of migraines.

Whether you choose Rizatriptan or Sumatriptan will depend on your personal preference and the severity of your headaches. However, both options are effective at treating the symptoms of post-sexual headaches.

So if you’re looking for relief, be sure to ask the pharmacist at e-Surgery.

Image of Rizatriptan Image of Sumatriptan


There are two main types of sex headaches:

  • A dull ache that intensifies as sexual excitement increases.
  • Just before or just after an orgasm, a sudden, severe, throbbing headache occurs.

Both types of headaches are combined in some people. Sex headache mostly lasts several minutes, although some may remain for hours. [4]

In most cases, sex headaches occur in clusters over a few months, and then they disappear for months or years.

Approximately half of all people who suffer from sex headaches have them over a period of six months. Some people may only encounter one attack during their lives.

If you’re concerned that you may be experiencing sex headaches, talk to your doctor. While they can be painful, they are usually not indicative of a serious underlying condition.

Reasons for Sex Headache

Any type of sexual activity can cause headaches for some people. The two types of sex headaches have different causes.

The first type happens because the increase in sexual excitement causes muscles to contract, leading to head pain. [5] While another type occurs from a spike in blood pressure which makes your vessels dilate.

In some cases, these orgasms might be signs of something underlying like uncontrolled high blood pressures or brain AAA’s (anterior communicating artery).

If you experience recurrent or severe headaches during sex, it’s important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


There are a few things you can do to try and prevent an orgasm headache. You could stop having sex before your partner climaxes, take a more passive role during penetrative sexual activity for example by letting them lead the way in what positions they want to perform on themselves or even asking if there is anything else that might help ease any pain relief while still enjoying ourselves!

Orgasm headaches are often harmless and go away on their own, but if you experience severe or recurring headaches, be sure to see your doctor. Additionally, if you are suffering from any other sexual issues, such as Erectile Dysfunction, consult your Doctor or Pharmacist.


An orgasm headache, also called a sexual headache, is a type of headache that occurs when you reach climax during sex. They are not very common, but they can be painful and may cause some embarrassment.

If you experience them often, it’s important to seek medical help as they may be a sign of something more serious. We hope this information helps you stay headache-free during your next intimate encounter!

By understanding the symptoms and causes of orgasm headaches, you can take steps to prevent them from happening in the first place.

If you do experience a headache after sex, know that there are treatments available. Visit e-Surgery for more blogs on sexual health and wellness or speak to your doctor if the headaches are severe or occur frequently.


  1. Orgasm Headaches are Rare | NCBI
  2. What Does Orgasm Headache Feel Like | Healthline
  3. Benign Headache | Healthline
  4. Pain Period | Healthline
  5. Type Of Sex Headache | NCBI

Further Reading

  1. Sex Headaches | MayoClinic
  2. What Causes An Orgasm Headache? | Healthline
  3. Headaches Associated With Sex Are No Joke | NeurologyLive
  4. What Is An Orgasm Headache? | MedicalNewsToday