Buy COVID-19 Lateral Flow Rapid Test Kit for self-testing online from e-Surgery. This kit contains a single test and is for self-testing home use only. Home lateral flow tests are an essential part of lowering the rates of COVID-19 in the UK.
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A COVID-19 Lateral Flow Rapid Test Kit for self-testing is a single-use COVID test that detects SARS-CoV-2 antigens in anterior nasal specimens.
Always read and follow the lateral flow test kit patient information leaflet provided.
COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. This is passed from person to person mostly through saliva, and it is advised that if you show any symptoms you should isolate a do a PCR test. This will determine whether or not you are positive for the virus, but you can use a lateral flow test regardless of symptoms. Read the latest government COVID-19 advice and book a PCR test if you have a positive lateral flow.
Always check the latest government updates to see if you need to test before and after traveling, as these rules may be different depending on where you are traveling from and to. These tests are for HOME USE only and cannot be registered for travel, they are intended simply for your own assurance to know if you should get a PCR test following a positive lateral flow test.
A key difference between lateral flow tests and PCR tests is lateral flow tests are used to find out if you have been exposed to the virus, even if you don’t have symptoms. PCR tests are used to check for a COVID infection if you do have symptoms or after a positive lateral flow test.
A PCR test has to be taken to a laboratory for analysis, so these results take longer. A self-test kit will give you results within 15-30 minutes (depending on the brand you use). PCR is the most accurate way of testing for COVID-19, but lateral flow home test kits are a great way of confirming infection or giving you peace of mind before trips, outings, or visiting friends.
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